Tuesday, August 14, 2007

GSoC Status Report: 8/6-6/15

This past week went pretty well. Things moved pretty quickly with the Expression Editor. Features added include:
  • Indentation in Expressions
  • A new GUI layout somewhat reflecting mithro's comments and input
  • Added support for variable length expressions...that is...expressions that can have an arbitrary number of subexpressions [(+ arg1 arg2 ...), (cond ((test1) (when-true)) ((test2) (when-true))), etc]
  • Literal expressions supported as well (numbers, strings, etc)
  • Refactored the internal representation of Expressions
  • Put in the BlockStore which maintains the TpclBlocks in a nice structure and will allow blocks to be referenced by an id number so that we can have some persistence and also establish an MVC pattern with things that have to display the tree.
  • Also added a "Quick Insert..." menu that allows access to commonly used functions and symbols, I plan on making this editable by the user.
For this coming week (the last week of GSoC) I plan on making all of the current features of the TPCL EE work consistently and as bug free as possible and then integrate it into the RDE. Some convenience functionality may not make it in by the end of the program but I'll add it in slowly but surely on my own time.


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