Friday, April 13, 2007

wxPython is interesting. I'm inclined both to like it and dislike it. The dislike probably comes from my familiarity with Swing and Sun's strict adherence to an MVC architecture. Having no separation between the tree control and its data is...interesting, for example. As is the fact that windows reference their parents as opposed to their children, at least from what I've seen so far...which is quite different from Swing. However...I'll say this - getting an item in the tree to spawn its own panel and insert it into a pre-existing pane was easy. A bit easier, I would say, than doing the same thing in Swing.

I also have to admit to feeling a bit lost without static typing. And without having to declare fields/attributes. But that's just unfamiliarity, though. I'll be browsing code over the next few weeks to acclimate myself to the style found in Python so I'm not trying to shoehorn Java idioms in.

Things are looking up, though. I've chosen to forego a GUI builder here, so that the code is easier to maintain (hah! I hope) and extend later. I'd rather get my hands dirty than let something like Boa Constructor do all the work for me. I should be able to duplicate the functionality of the Java prototype by the end of the week if not sooner.

All in all good stuff. Heh. I should probably check in with nash and make sure that I should be as concerned with the display and organization of properties and components and other game objects, or if I should be focusing more energy on the TPCL Editor (hooo, boy is that going to be fun)

1 comment:

mithro said...

I would recommend taking a look at a few different things,

XRC - A way to have your panels easily editable.

AUI - An way to quickly make cool looking programs

Once the Thousand Parsec code repository is up again, I would recommend having a quick look over the development version of tpclient-pywx (which mixes both these tools).