Not so much to report on this one. No list of accomplishments. I spend the first part of the week failing to get a context menu working for the tree view. The way wxPython sends its mouse events defies my ability to grasp. I can't prevent the selectionchanging and selectionchanged events from firing before the right click event and so can't veto it. Feh. That frustrated me to no end. So I'll get back to that later from a different angle after I get the TPCL Expression Editor working. Oy. I mean. I even messed with where I bind the handlers and didn't get the results that I wanted. Meh.
I also went ahead and provided support for multiple categories now that tpserver-cpp supports them as well. They're included in the RDE and in the generated code. So that's kind of cool.
The end of the week was spent working on figuring out how to get the StyledTextCtrl to recognize keywords for the TPCL Expression Editor without me having to handle styling events with a lexer of my own. Thankfully I found something that should work.
Now I'm working on getting the TPCL EE up and running. It looks to be a bit bigger of a project than I had imagined before, but I'm confident that I'll make good progress this week.
Oh. And since mithro is always prodding me to post new and fabulous screenshots of the RDE, here's a shot of the feedback the RDE gives on errors: