Monday, July 23, 2007

Oy, the commits

I am quite terrible about checking my commits. I'll charge on in and commit something that breaks everything else, simply because I forgot to add a new file. It's getting rather silly now. Every time I create new files I forget to add them to git. Meh. And then I make posts about how awesomely everything works. And it doesn't work when it gets checked out. Feh.



mithro said...

You can use "cg-status" to show all files which have yet to be added.

It's a good thing to do before you do a cg-commit.

Fro said...

Oh yes, mithro, I always use cg-status. Always. I'm very good about that. However, registering the new ? and A items are what get me, I'm not so good with that. Or simply being drilled down into the src/ directory and not seeing the new RDE project files that I've created and things of that nature.